More grassroots delegates to attend women’s congress

BEIJING: Almost 70 percent of the delegates to China’s 13th National Women’s Congress this week serve in front-line posts at the grassroots level, more than at the previous congress five years ago, the All-China Women’s Federation said on Saturday.
From Monday through Thursday, 1,793 representatives and 90 specially invited delegates will attend the congress, the federation said.
Delegates to the five-yearly congress represent diverse sectors such as industry, agriculture, commerce, science and technology, education, medicine and health, and press and publishing, federation officials told a news conference.
There are representatives from all levels of women’s federations, with 96 from grassroots organizations at the township level or below comprising 5.3 percent, an increase of 0.8 percentage points compared to the 12th National Women’s Congress.
The average age of the delegates is 47.7, with the oldest 81 and the youngest 19.
Women working in the science and technology sector make up 5.1 percent of delegates, an increase of 1.2 percentage points. The federation said the drafting of documents for the congress started in February and focused on addressing theoretical and practical issues related to women’s development. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item