More measures to help Trade

BEIJING: Ministry assures steps to lower costs, improve profitability, spur novel formats.
The government will adopt more targeted measures to benefit China’s foreign trade enterprises and ensure stable growth and higher quality trade, government officials said on Wednesday.
The planned measures will seek to resolve major problems faced by such enterprises so that they could meet challenges arising from the current difficult situation, they said.
Wang Shouwen, vice-minister of commerce who is also China’s deputy international trade representative, told a news briefing that the Commerce Ministry will initiate action to further lower costs for the country’s foreign trade enterprises.
To inject new development impetus into the nation’s foreign trade, the ministry will roll out measures to improve foreign trade enterprises’ profitability and smooth transportation and logistics, and help enterprises cultivate new clients and clinch new orders.
The ministry will also facilitate the development of new foreign trade formats like cross-border e-commerce and overseas warehouses.
“We are confident and also capable of ensuring expansion and upgrade of foreign trade,” Wang said. From January to April, China’s foreign trade expanded 10.1 percent year-on-year to $1.98 trillion. –Agencies