—— While US Court dealing with prosecution by Washington against Indian government officials for a failed murder conspiracy, a Caribbean Court also seeing a case of kidnapping from Antigua by Indian government personnel
—— New Delhi’s plot of kidnapping Diamond Tycoon from Antigua, hatched on British soil by India’s Special Envoy to Britain reveals British media
—— Indian Police found accused of harassing Sikh leader in UK ahead of his sudden, mysterious death with British Police allegedly hushing-up the matter
—— After killing of Canadian Sikh in Vancouver, more Sikhs receiving threats, extortion calls from RAW-linked Bishnoi Gang
—— Main character in US murder plot, Nikhil Gupta also turns out to be RAW’s new SOD head who replaced Chhota Rajan after Rajan became over exposed
—— Chhota Rajan was admitted to be a joint asset of RAW and IB of India by Indian media itself at various occasions, terming him as ‘Patriotic Mafia Don’
—— Emergence of Indian NSA’s name in entire episode made US to send its Deputy NSA to take up the matter with new Delhi strongly
—— US Deputy NSA was also accompanied by at least three undeclared US investigators, probing the Nikhil Gupta who asked certain questions in private to Mr. Ajit Doval regarding his involvement and connections with Nikhil Gupta and his gang, for about 2 hours
—— Reckless RAW stands isolated as Canada expels Agency’s Ottawa Head , USA flushes out RAW undercover diplomats from San Francisco & UK does so from London while other AUKUS, QUAD and Five Eyes member States keeping close vigil on Indian diplomats and RAW’s declared personnel or undercover operators in their respective countries with India currently having no RAW presence in North America
—— Undercover RAW operators in disguises of journalists, openly suggesting idea of abducting and torturing New Delhi-based Western Diplomats for exchange of detained RAW official in US
—— A former Indian Army officer, glamorized by RAW on Indian media is on record to have disclosed RAW’s plan to kill Sikhs in West
By Makhdoom Babar
(With inputs from Sandra Johnson , Cherry Ferguson, Christina Palmer and Diljeet Kaur)
While the US judiciary with a vague history grappling to sentence the Charge-sheeted Indian official , Nikhil Gupta, for an assassination plot, a Caribbean Court at Antigua and Barbuda is also having case of kidnapping a Diamond Tycoon by the orders of Indian government and the issue emerging to be a test case for both the US Judiciary which is already not enjoying a very ideal reputation because of often being accused of allegedly dancing to the tunes of US government officials and official agen-cies and on the other hands British government’s security agencies’ competence is also being ques-tioned globally after the revelation that a Sikh died mysteriously a sudden death in UK just after the Indian police official harassed him in UK, reveal the investigations by The Daily Mail.
These investigations indicate that the British media has come up with a report that one of India’s special envoy to Britain, Gurdip Bath, ‘plotted’ the kidnap of a diamond tycoon in the Caribbean at the behest of the Indian State. It says that Gurdip Bath, allegedly hatched the extraordinary plan on British soil and that he is accused of flying with a gang from London to Antigua to abduct one Mehul Choksi as part of a honeytrap on Delhi’s orders, according to a court claim in Antigua and Barbuda.
According to these reports, Bath, an Indian born and his alleged associates were accused of deploying glamorous London-based property consultant Barbara Jarabik to lure Mr Choksi to an apartment near his home in Antigua. There, he was pounced on by thugs claiming to be police, according to the Court Claim filed by Mr Choski. Choksi says he was taken against his will and he suffered serious injuries at the hands of the group of thugs that allegedly kidnapped him. He claims an Indian delegation flew in to deport him to his homeland but whistleblowers alerted his lawyers who found him battered and bruised in a cell before they secured his release. Mr Choksi, according to these media reports, is su-ing Antigua’s Attorney General and Police Chief for not properly investigating his abduction and bringing his assailants to justice after he suffered ‘inhuman or degrading treatment’. The Eastern Car-ibbean Supreme Court is reportedly refused attempts by Antigua to dismiss the claim and found Mr Choksi had an ‘arguable’ case in May and the authorities finally filed a defence a few days back, de-tailing steps taken since the kidnap and calling for the claim to be dismissed. A trial date is yet to be set while on the other side, Now Britain’s National Crime Agency (NCA) is being called on to investi-gate Bath along with his co-accused over alleged conspiracy to kidnap in the UK. This, according to the British Media investigations, is the first time Delhi has been accused of planning an extrajudicial abduction from the UK but has surfaced only after India was accused of masterminding the assassina-tion of a Canadian Sikh leader, in Canada, in September.
Mr Choksi moved to the Caribbean in 2017 and gained Antiguan citizenship before falling foul of In-dian Prime Minister and top RSS leader Narendra Modi . Mr Choksi’s legal team have obtained flight manifests, co-accused Gurjit Singh Bhandal and Gurmit Singh – Indian friends who live in West Bromwich. CCTV, witness accounts and other records they say prove Mr Bath and his accomplic-es and co-accused Gurjit Singh Bhandal and Gurmit Singh – Indian friends who live in West Brom-wich, committed the kidnapping after plotting together in the UK.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that on the other hand, back in the UK, another British media organization has come up with yet another investigative reports suggesting that Indian Police have been harassing Sikh nationals of UK, in UK. According this report, one Avtar Singh Khanda, a pro-Khalistan activist based in the UK, claimed just months before his sudden death in June this year that he was verbally harassed by Indian police who also threatened his family back in Indian Punjab as Indian agencies accused Khanda of radicalizing Sikh youth in the UK with extremist and separatist ideology. He was one of the Sikh protesters engaged in the episode of pulling down of the Indian Flag
at the Indian high commission in London during a protest by freedom seeking Sikh groups earlier this year.
This media report has also raised questions about the West Midlands police’s earlier claim that Khanda’s sudden death was the subject of a “thorough review” and that there was no foul play suspected.
Khanda died on June 15, four days after he was admitted to a hospital in Birmingham, UK. He was re-cently diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, an aggressive blood cancer. His associates suspected foul play – claiming he was poisoned – but British officials did not agree.
This British media report says that the West Midlands force “appeared to distance itself from its orig-inal statement to the press, when it said the matter had been ‘thoroughly’ investigated”. But the po-lice say they are still “satisfied that there are no suspicious circumstances”.
Khanda’s friends, fellow Sikh activists and family members told the UK newspaper that the “insist-ence by British authorities that a deeper investigation is not warranted fails to take into account damning details that have emerged about India’s alleged involvement in a global campaign of trans-national repression aimed at Sikh separatists”. It is pertinent to mention here that the assassination of the Sikh leader in Vancouver by Indian intelligence agency RAW’s operators, as accused by Canadian government, too place just after Days of Khanda’s dramatic episode in UK.
Further, according to this media report, Khanda’s associates contradicted official statements that the death was investigated by West Midlands police. The police “did not take statements from friends and family after his death, did not speak to his employers or work colleagues, did not retrace his steps on the days before his sudden illness, did not visit his residence or study threats made against him, and did not issue a case number, which would indicate the matter had been investigated”, the report says. Khanda appeared “healthy and robust” in the weeks before his death, associates in Bir-mingham said.
His mother and sister told the newspaper that they were the subject of an “aggressive intimidation campaign by Indian authorities in the months before [Khanda’s] death.
The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that back in Vancouver, RAW-linked gangsters of Bishnoi gang, who are seriously suspected to be harassing Sikhs in Western countries
on directions of their RAW bosses, have not given up the task even in the backdrop of the series of events , emerging out of epi-sode of the assassination of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in BC . According to these investiga-tions, RAW’s Bishnoi gang, that was often used by the RAW for harassing and killing Sikh celebrities and solid businessmen across the West and that was held responsible for the brutal killing of revolu-tionary Siklh pop-star Sidhu Musewala, is continuously on the rampage in Canada, particularly in BC. It continues to issue threats to Sikh businessmen in local communities and also make phone calls and sends extortion notes, seeking huge amounts of money as “protection money.”
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that before going to the main character of RAW’s US assassination plot episode for which a US national Nikhil Gupta is in detention, one needs to go to the back-ground of RAW’s use of underworld Mafia’s as their assets to get a haul of dirty jobs done and also to generate extraordinary funds for RAW’s illicit operations. for many years, the Western Intelligence sharing platforms like Five Eyes were keeping a close vigil on RAW’s Special Operation Division (SOD) activities that were being carried out by SOD’s head Chhota Rajan and his gang members in South Asia. However when Chhota Rajan, otherwise known as a top underworld Mafia Don of India, started his operations of Drug and Weapons trafficking beyond regional ambits, it started alarming these Western security allies. However, when the Chhota Rajan gang or the RAW’s SOD started its drugs and weapons cartel networking and gang wars in Australia and parts of New Zealand and started transporting huge shipments of drugs via sea routs, the Australians in particular and their allies in general took a strong exception. The investigations indicate that as Australia quit Quad in 2008, yet when, in around 2015, 2016 US and Japan wooing Canberra to take active part in Quad activities, the then Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, apart from other reservations, put shunning of Chhota Rajan gang’s activities, particularly in Australian territories as one of the prerequisites to re-join the alliance. The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that it was the same time when

Chhota Ra-jan, after being on rampage in Australia was eventually arrested and at that particular juncture of time Australia also resumed its normal activities at Quads. However, some Indian media reports suggest that Rajan turned himself in on his own desire, owing to his deteriorating health conditions but one thing remains on record that Indian media itself admitted Chhota Rajan being a joint asset of top Indian intelligence agencies RAW and IB, the Intelligence Bureau. In fact Indian media Organiza-tions have been glamorizing him as “Patriotic Mafia Don” of India who assists India’s Intelligence agencies.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that India’s current NSA, Ajit Kumar Doval is an old friend and mentor of Chhota Rajan since Doval’s days as a cop and later as the head of IB. In fact during one of the police raids on one of Chhota Rajan’s deputies, Doval was also found in the same car from Where the gangster was arrested. At the time of the arrest drama of Chhota Rajan, Doval, who was at the helm of affairs and running all intelligence affairs, decided to bifurcate and innovate Rajn Gang’as functioning and for the purpose, the matters of running mafia activities in Central Asia and Easter Europe were handed over to a young lieutenant of Chhota Rajan, who would later be identified as Nikhil Gupta, finally arrested by Czech Authorities from Prague where RAW is believed to have es-tablished its mini headquarters for operations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and that was how things started to unfold.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that just like the pattern of the Indian reaction at the time of their RAW official, Commander Kulbhushan Jhadev in Pakistan for terrorist Gupta was at Prague air-port when Czech authorities arrested and detained him on June 30. He was said to be in the Czech Republic for “business and tourism” purposes. However, the Czech National Drug authorities were tipped off due to his alleged past in drug trafficking most probably by CIAS or FBI. Nikhil was then detained by the Czech authorities.
However when , the Czech authorities informed the Indian embassy in Prague about Gupta’s arrest, Indian embassy wasted no time to extend Consular assistance to Gupta and tried their best to get him released from Police custody while the Czech authorities remained tight-lipped throughout the time about the offences of Gupta until he was handed over to US authorities under a Court Order for indictment in US Court.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the US prosecutors have charged Gupta for plotting as-sassination of one of the US citizens , a Sikh buy religion, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, on the instruc-tions of a top Indian diplomat, name not disclosed, stationed at India’s Consulate General at San Francisco. The US prosecutors have used a code name for the involved Indian officials as CC-1, which indicates that he could be India’s CG or Deputy CG at San Francisco but actually a RAW official, under a diplomatic cover.
In the indictment, US Federal Prosecutors have addressed the Indian official as “CC-1” and claimed he masterminded the plot from India to eliminate “an attorney and political activist who is a US citi-zen of Indian origin residing in New York City”.
The prosecution further said that “Beginning in or about early May 2023, in a series of telephonic and electronic communications between CC-1 and Gupta over encrypted applications, CC-1 asked Gupta to arrange the murder of the Victim in exchange for CC-1’s assistance in securing the dismissal of a criminal case against Gupta in India. Gupta agreed to orchestrate the assassination. In addition to their electronic communications, Gupta also met CC-1 in person in New Delhi in furtherance of the plot,” the US Department of Justice indictment claims. On May 6, 2023, as their conversation on an encrypted messaging app began, the Indian government employee allegedly sent a message to Gup-ta stating, “This is (CC-1)… Save my name as (CC-1 Alias).” Gupta saved CC-1’s phone number under an alias. Shortly afterward, CC-1 sent another message to Gupta, informing him that they had a “tar-get in New York” and another in “California,” according to the indictment. Acting on CC-1’s instruc-tions, Gupta allegedly sought the assistance of an individual he believed to be a criminal associate, who was, in reality, a confidential informant working with the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), to engage a hitman for Pannun’s murder in New York City. Subsequently, CC-1 reached an agreement with the undercover officer, allegedly brokered by Gupta, to pay $100,000 in exchange for the assassination. Gupta, described as an “international narcotics trafficker” by the US, was detained in the Czech Republic in June 2023 on a request from the US.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that on the other side, the investigators gathered some evidences that Nikhil Gupta had often been in contact with Indian NSA Ajit Kumar Doval as was evident from his Calls Records history of previous years. Although matter was raised with New Delhi by Washington at appropriate levels almost a year ago yet, there was no development on part of New Delhi regarding further probing the matter and India was constantly in denial mod which eventually led US government to let the prosecutors do their job. However, after the development of Indian NSA’s name appearing in the probe process, US decided to send its Principal Deputy NSA Jonathan Finer to New Delhi to seek progress under the light of the new evidences and new developments
Jonathan Finer has completed his India trip during which , apart from others, he held a detailed meeting with Indian Minister of External Affair Jai Shankar and the NSA in question Ajit Kumar Doval to take up the matter with immense seriousness and to deliver on it with accuracy and speed. It is learnt that US Deputy NSA was also accompanied by at least three undeclared US investigators, prob-ing the Nikhil Gupta case and they are reported to have asked certain questions in private to Mr. Ajit Doval regarding his involvement and connections with Nikhil Gupta and his gang, for about 2 hours. The details of these meetings were not available till the filing of this report.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that to pressurize Washington and particularly to put US Deputy NSA Jonathan under fear for the safety of his diplomats in New Delhi, RAW activated its op-erators in under the covers of journalists across the world. In one such operation, a New Zealand based Indian journalist has openly started floating the idea of abduction and torturing US Diplomats in New Delhi and to exchange them with US for arrested Nikhil Gupta of RAW. In Tweet he says, “ just do what Russia Does. Pick up an American Diplomat from their Embassy in New Delhi’s Chanakyapuri area, take him to a RAW’s Safe House, beat the living daylights out of him and ex-change for Nikhil Gupta. A fact clearly indicating that Gupta is very important for India and Indians.
The Daily Mail’s investigations further indicate that RAW has, for the past few years, started using former officers of the Indian Armed Forces to push Indian narrative or rather RAW narrative on Me-dia platform and Indian media has been instructed to glamorize such elements and to give them maximum airtime. General retired Bakhshi and Major retired Gurav Arya are a few to name in this direction. However sometimes these retired army men get carried away by the praise they get from Hindu fanatic ultras and in that excitement, divulge certain secrets as well. In one such incident, prior to the recent assassination plot revelations, Major Gaurav Arya, openly discussed the notion of con-tracting killings abroad to eradicate Khalistani elements on his popular YouTube channel. This constituted an explicit threat to Sikh activists globally, suggesting India’s utilization of all available means to suppress dissent and resistance. It is to be noted Arya, is a prominent Indian figure and has ad-dressed TEDx events and was a speaker at the UK Parliament in October 2017, discussing the Kashmir issue.
With all these developments taking place and with all the evidences indicating the Indians have this time been caught really with their pants down, one has to see has how much seriousness does Wash-ington really shows to bring the issue to a logical end or is it going to compromise on the safety and security of US Citizens in their own country. It is also to be seen that can the US Courts rebuild their image and deliver real justice or they fall to the governmental pressure once again and it ius also to be seen that can the followers of Baba Guru Nanak, the followers of Sikh faith, can live peacefully and harmlessly and can continue their rightful political struggle?