Motions and proposals see increasing rate of replies and actions

BEIJING: Jiang Qiutao, an NPC deputy from the Hunan provincial committee of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, submitted six motions last year.
“These motions were handled by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Health and Family Planning and other bodies. They carefully dealt with my motions and informed me of the results in a timely fashion. I’m very satisfied,” she said.
He Yu, a CPPCC National Committee member and president of China General Nuclear Power Group, said he has been submitting proposals about the third-generation nuclear reactor Hualong One, using technology with entirely Chinese intellectual property rights. “Our team has been making experiment, collecting data and doing research, so as to make the proposal reliable and professional,” he said.
It is an important part of their job for the NPC deputies and CPPCC members to submit motions and proposals during the annual two sessions.
Statistics showed that the NPC deputies submitted 8,576 motions and suggestions in 2014, which have been passed on to 174 government departments and organizations. So far 80 percent of the motions have been dealt with and closed. Among them, 7,437 motions were handled by departments under the State Council, which released 1,700 relevant measures afterwards, solving some of the problems of public concern.
Since the second session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee in March 2014, a total of 6,101 proposals have been submitted by the CPPCC members, 5,052 cases have been officially dealt with. By February 20, 2015, 5,046 cases have received replies. More than 20 percent of the cases have been solved or adopted, 16 percent have been included by relevant government agencies as references for their work.
In October 2014, the State Council issued a notice stating that starting from 2015, all replies and follow-up actions in response to the motions and proposals will be publicized in the form of abstracts; starting from 2017, the replies to motions and proposals concerning public interests should in principle be publicized in full text. (People’s Daily)