Murtaza’s Oath taking as Karachi mayor today

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: Newly-elected Karachi Mayor Murtaza Wahab and Deputy Mayor Salman Murad will take oath tomorrow (Monday) at Gulshan Jinnah Polo Ground in Karachi.
Sindh Election Commissioner Ijaz Anwar Chauhan will administer oath to the mayor and deputy mayor of Karachi.
Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leaders Murtaza Wahab and Salman Murad were elected mayor and deputy mayor on June 15 in a tight contest after beating the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) candidate Hafiz Naeemur Rehman.
Murtaza Wahab won the contest of mayoral elections by securing 173 votes and defeated his rival Hafiz Naeemur Rehman who secured 160 votes.
However, 30 members of the PTI did not participate in the voting.
On the other hand, Jammat accused the PPP of stealing the mandate of the port city and observed black day against what they called controversial elections. The JI also wrote a letter to the ECP over the alleged rigging in the mayor election. However, the PPP rejected the allegations of the JI and asked the Jamaat to respect the mandate of the city.