Myanmar’s Suu Kyi moved to solitary confinement: Military

NAYPYIDAW: Aung San Suu Kyi has been moved to solitary confinement inside a prison compound in Myanmar’s capital, Naypyidaw, according to the junta.
The former leader, who is 77, has been held by the military since 1 February last year, when it ousted her democratically elected government, plunging Myanmar into chaos.
She has since been charged with at least 20 offences that could lead to her spending the rest of her life in jail, including multiple counts of corruption, which each carry a maximum penalty of 15 years. Her legal team have denied the charges, while rights groups have condemned the cases as an attempt to remove her as a political threat. After last year’s coup, she was initially held at her home in the capital but has spent the past year at an unknown location, where she is helped by seven people detained alongside her, and has a dog – reportedly a gift from her son. –Agencies