‘N’ to start issuing tickets for Punjab polls from Mar 15

ISLAMABAD: The Parliamentary Board of Pakistan Muslim League -Nawaz (PML-N) will start issuing tickets to suitable candidates in Punjab for the provin-cial election from March 15.
PML-N Punjab President Rana Sanaullah Khan has directed all divisional and district or-ganizations of the party to ensure active interaction with the public.
He said that all regional organizations should ensure the submission of nomination pa-pers of the best, most competent and people-friendly candidates in provincial constitu-encies.
He said that candidates aspiring for party tickets should submit their applications to the party office.
He asked all regional organizations to make public communication campaigns more ac-tive.
Being a popular party, PML-N is always ready to go to the people, he said, adding that the politics of ‘fitna Khan’ will be eliminated through the power of the vote. –Agencies