NA Speaker launches first-ever Summer Internship Program

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf on Wednesday inaugurated the Summer Internship Program for Young Citizens which aims to offer them a valuable opportunity to gain firsthand experience of the legislative procedures. During the commemoration of Yom-e-Benazir, the Speaker officially inaugurated the aforementioned Summer Internship Program, emphasizing that democracy necessitates collective efforts by elected parliamentary representatives to foster prosperity.
He further asserted that democracy remains the most effective form of governance, and Pakistan, with its promising youth, is poised to embark on a progressive trajectory. In emphasizing the importance of connecting the younger generation with the Parliament, he stated, “The Parliament serves as a vital platform where political leaders tirelessly strive to shape the destiny of our nation.”
He went on to highlight the relentless struggle and ultimate sacrifice made by the late Shaheed Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto for the cause of democracy. Furthermore, he acknowledged her courageous fight against oppressive forces and her unwavering dedication to challenging dictatorship until her last moments. Additionally, he underscored that it was Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who bestowed upon our youth the fundamental right to vote.
The NA Speaker also condemned the recent vandalism and desecration of monuments dedicated to the nation’s Martyrs. He also emphasized the fact that it is impossible for a nation to progress if it doesn’t respect its martyrs. He stated that the onus is upon our young generation to preserve the sanctity of Parliament.
While addressing the launching ceremony of the Internship Program, National Assembly Secretary Mr. Tahir Hussain warmly welcomed the Interns. He remarked “Parliament is the house of people and it is fortunate that the youth of this country are getting an opportunity to work at this prestigious institution, which will help them to understand democratic systems and the Constitution”.
He encouraged the Interns to ask as many questions as they want during the course of their internship as it would help them in better understanding of the Parliament, State and endeavors undertaken by parliamentarians for betterment of the people of Pakistan.