NA Speaker to inaugurate two days seminar

ISLAMABAD: The Women Parliamentary Caucus (WPC) and the Federal Ministry of Law and Justice have collaborated to organize a momentous two-day event, titled “Reclaiming the Space: Reading the Constitution from Women’s Perspective” scheduled to be commenced on Monday (5 June).
The seminar is to mark the first-ever initiative in Pakistan’s 75-year history to examine, analyze and deliberate upon the constitution from a woman’s perspective.
Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf would inaugurate this seminar as the chief guest.
The Speaker will also deliver a keynote speech to inaugurate this seminar for empowering women through the Constitution. The inaugural session of the seminar would comprise on a series of accentuated roundtables under the themes of Language of the Constitution, Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment and Women’s Representation and Political/Electoral Participation. –Agencies