Naeem elected as JI Amir

ISLAMABAD: In a significant development within the political landscape of Pakistan, Hafiz Naeemur Rehman has been elected as the Amir (chief) of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), one of the country’s prominent religious and political parties.
The announcement of his election as the new party chief was made following a decision by the majori-ty of the members of Jamaat-e-Islami on Thursday.
Hailing from Karachi, Hafiz Naeem is a civil engineering by profession. He also categorises himself as an environmentalist on his social media profiles. The selection process for the party chief within Jamaat-e-Islami is a significant affair, occurring every five years. This time, the party’s central consultative body, known as the Markazi Shura, proposed three names to lead the JI members. Among these names were prominent figures such as Sirajul Haq and Liaquat Baloch, alongside the ultimately successful candidate, Hafiz Naeemur Rehman.
The outgoing chief, Sirajul Haq, held the position of Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami since 2014, marking a dec-ade-long tenure. Before him, a lineage of influential leaders including Syed Munawar Hassan, Qazi Hussain Ahmed, Mian Tufail Muhammad, and Maulana Syed Abul Ala Maududi have all held this pres-tigious responsibility.
It’s essential to note the historical significance of Jamaat-e-Islami within the political fabric of Pakistan. Founded in 1941 by Maulana Syed Abul Ala Maududi, the party has played a pivotal role in shaping the ideological and political discourse of the country over the decades.
Born into a middle-class family in Hyderabad, Sindh in 1972, Hafiz Naeemur Rehman emerged as a stalwart figure in Pakistani politics, particularly within the ranks of Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi. His journey from a humble beginning to the helm of leadership exemplifies determination, resilience, and a re-lentless pursuit of social justice.
Naeemur Rehman’s roots trace back to Aligarh, with his parents instilling in him values of integrity, compassion, and service to the community. Growing up in a family of four brothers and three sisters, he imbibed the importance of familial bonds and shared responsibilities.
Currently residing in a rented house in Block A, North Nazimabad, Karachi, Naeemur Rehman, along-side his wife Shamaila Naeem, a dedicated doctor and active member of Jamaat-e-Islami, balances fa-milial duties with his profound commitment to public service.
Education laid the foundation for Naeemur Rehman’s journey towards leadership. Memorising the Holy Quran at Jamia Masjid Darul Uloom, Latifabad, Unit 10, marked the early stages of his spiritual and intellectual growth. His academic pursuits led him to Noorul Islam Primary School, Hyderabad, and later to Allama Iqbal High School for matriculation. Transitioning to Karachi, he pursued his intermediate ed-ucation at Pakistan Ship Owners College.
Hafiz Naeem’s academic prowess continued as he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the prestigious NED University, complemented by a Master’s in Islamic History from Karachi University. These diverse educational experiences equipped him with a holistic understanding of societal dynam-ics and historical contexts, shaping his worldview and guiding his leadership principles.
His foray into student politics through Islami Jamiat Talaba marked a transformative phase in Naeemur Rehman’s life. Despite facing adversity, including arrests and imprisonment on multiple occasions for championing student rights, he emerged as a resilient and dynamic leader. Progressing through vari-ous leadership roles within Islami Jamiat Talaba, including serving as its Central President, Naeemur Rehman honed his leadership skills and ideological clarity.
Transitioning to practical politics within Jamaat-e-Islami, Naeemur Rehman’s commitment to social jus-tice and empowerment found a broader canvas. His electoral victories, including winning the position of deputy nazim in the 2001 local government elections, underscored his growing influence and grass-roots support.
Assuming pivotal roles within Jamaat-e-Islami, from Amir of Liaquatabad Zone to Naib Amir of Central District and eventually becoming the Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi in 2013, Naeemur Rehman’s leadership trajectory has been marked by unwavering dedication to addressing Karachi’s multifaceted challenges.
Under his leadership, Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi spearheaded transformative movements such as the “Haq Do Karachi Ko Tehreek,” amplifying the voices of marginalised communities and challenging en-trenched power structures. His role in orchestrating a historic sit-in outside the Sindh Assembly, com-pelling the government to restore local bodies’ powers, epitomises his tenacity and strategic acumen.
Beyond politics, Naeemur Rehman’s commitment to societal welfare is evident through initiatives like the “Banoo Qabil” free IT programme, which empowered thousands of youth, and his stewardship of Al-Khidmat Welfare Society Karachi, providing vital assistance during natural disasters and the Covid-19 pandemic.
Hafiz Naeem is an engineer by profession and is associated with a private company, which has also re-ceived awards for high quality services. His passion for cricket, literature, and spirituality further en-riches his persona, embodying a multifaceted leader deeply rooted in his cultural heritage.
With a global perspective gained through travels to various countries, Naeemur Rehman continues to inspire hope and lead by example, embodying the values of integrity, compassion, and service that define his leadership journey. –Agencies