Narcotics body urges compliance after sanctions lifted

BEIJING: The nation’s top anti-narcotics authority has urged Chinese enterprises to operate in strict accordance with the law after the United States government removed a Chinese institute from its sanctions list.
On Thursday, the US removed the Ministry of Public Security’s Institute of Forensic Science, which includes the National Narcotics Laboratory of China, from its “Entity List” and lifted sanctions imposed on it.
The move is being seen as an active contribution to the restart of bilateral counternarcotics cooperation. The US Department of Commerce added the institute to the list in May 2020, resulting in it being banned from receiving most goods from US suppliers. It also brought anti-drug cooperation between the two sides to a low point.
The China National Narcotics Control Commission issued on Thursday a 12-article notice summarizing the regulatory provisions of Chinese laws and regulations regarding the control of narcotic and psychotropic drugs, and precursor chemicals.
The NNCC notice also reminded relevant enterprises and the public to comply with laws and regulations while engaging in business activities related to non-regulated chemicals and equipment. While seeking to prevent production, trafficking, and smuggling of narcotic and psychotropic drugs, and precursor chemicals and materials, it warned of the risks associated with selling unregulated chemicals and equipment. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item