Nation to bury politics of traitors forever, says PM

| Instructs workers to prepare for upcoming elections | Says “traitors” should be given exemplary punishment for partaking in foreign conspiracy | Warns party will approach SC against Opposition

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: Prime Minister Imran Khan Tuesday said that the Pakistani nation would teach a lesson to those traitors in the general elections who tried to topple an elected government that was pursuing an independent foreign policy.
Addressing a gathering of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf workers here, the prime minister said, “The people of the country will teach a lesson to these traitors (opposition leaders) in the next general elections by burying their politics forever.”
The prime minister referring to his main political opponents said that these three

stooges had been plundering the national wealth for the last thirty years and stashed it abroad.
“They can say that beggars are not choosers,” owing to their vested personal interests, he added.
He said a drama had been staged in the country. In the local hotel of Lahore, PTI defectors who had sold their party allegiance were put together.
With such shabby tactics, the democracy, future of the coming generations and solidarity of the nation had been put at stake, he added.
The prime minister said the people had been elected on PTI seats or the reserved seats, and then sold out their conscience for the sake of few million rupees, adding that they would ensure a life time ban for such traitors.
He said these elements were traitors to the nation, to the country and to the coming generations, adding unless they were punished, they would continue bargaining over the democracy for petty monetary gains.
The prime minister said with such a trend, any foreign country could purchase the localities of the lawmakers and topple an elected government.
He resolved that they would fully confront them legally. The case was taken up by the Supreme Court.
“All those are traitors who have played a part in the foreign conspiracy,” he added.
The prime minister said the entire nation would resist such trends as it was a defining moment, and would not let the conspiracy succeed as it had periled country’s future and democracy.
Mr. Khan also acknowledged that mistakes were made by the PTI in the past for which it paid a “high price”, adding that the party had now wisened up and will prioritise its “ideological” workers.
The Premier instructed the PTI workers to prepare for the elections, saying that this time the party would give tickets to those who were aligned with the party’s political philosophy after careful consideration.
“There were mistakes [committed] by us in the past for which we had to pay a high price,” he said. “So now after learning from our mistakes, our first decision is to give tickets after a great deliberation.”
PM Imran said tickets would be given to all the MPs in attendance who still supported and continued to support the party during “difficult times”.