Nation urged to pursue strength from traditions

(230412) -- ZHANJIANG, April 12, 2023 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivers a speech at the navy headquarters of the Southern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) on April 11, 2023. Xi on Tuesday inspected the navy of the Southern Theater Command of the PLA. (Xinhua/Li Gang)

BEIJING: The vision put forward on Friday by President Xi Jinping to build a modern Chinese civilization will empower the nation on its own pathway to modernization and build up national unity in the face of various risks and challenges, according to analysts.
During a symposium with officials and experts in Beijing, Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, expounded on the need to firm up confidence among the Chinese people in their history and culture, and to use Chinese wisdom to summarize Chinese experience and transform it into Chinese theory, in order to achieve “spiritual independence and autonomy”.
Experts said that the building of a modern Chinese civilization and carrying forward China’s fine traditional culture will help shore up Beijing’s narrative against dominance by Western countries in social sciences and translate the traditional culture into strengths for the nation’s future development. He Yun’ao, a professor who researches history and traditional cultural heritage at Nanjing University, said that by emphasizing the building of a modern Chinese civilization, the Chinese president has reiterated the need to pool strength from China’s traditional culture, which spans 5,000 years.
“For China to attain its great rejuvenation will require advancement both at the material and cultural-ethical level. The president has made it clear that to build China into a cultural powerhouse, the priority must be to further explore the strength of its traditional culture,” he said. Xi has characterized the key elements of fine Chinese traditional culture in five aspects, lauding Chinese civilization for its continuity, innovative nature, unity, inclusiveness and peaceful nature.
The peaceful nature of Chinese civilization determines that China will continue to build world peace, contribute to global development and safeguard the international order, and that it will continue to pursue exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations rather than cultural hegemony, he said.
Professor He said that by underscoring the inclusive and peaceful nature of Chinese civilization, Xi has conveyed the message to the international community that Beijing will remain committed to its national strategy of opening-up and championing global peace and development.
Meanwhile, by pointing out that Chinese civilization is characterized by its unity in nature, the Chinese president has reiterated the warning that since national unity will always be at the heart of China’s core interests, separatist activities will not be tolerated, the professor said.
Liu Qingzhu, former director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences’ Institute of Archaeology, said that Xi has emphasized the importance for China, a nation with 56 ethnic groups, to pool the strength from history and its traditional culture in enhancing its unity and strengthening the sense of community for the nation. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item