Nation’s rule of law conveyed overseas

BEIJING” China is establishing frameworks for foreign-related laws and regulations while communicating to the world its rule of law as well as overseas legal services, senior judicial officials said at a news conference on Thursday.
The Ministry of Justice has intensified exchanges with other countries and international organizations, and deepened practical cooperation in combating transnational crimes, providing legal services, facilitating judicial assistance, and overseeing the transfer of sentenced persons, said He Rong, minister of justice. He emphasized the ministry’s role in the implementation of international criminal, civil and commercial judicial assistance treaties.
China has signed bilateral judicial assistance treaties with 86 countries and transfer of sentenced persons treaties with 17 countries. The annual processing of international criminal judicial assistance requests averages over 300 cases, and civil and commercial judicial assistance requests exceed 3,000 cases, she said.
Du Yaling, director of the ministry’s bureau of international cooperation, highlighted the ministry’s active participation in cooperation on multilateral platforms such as the United Nations and its involvement in international judicial assistance.
The ministry has handled 206 criminal judicial assistance requests and over 2,200 civil and commercial judicial assistance requests this year. Additionally, 32 countries have been approved for the transfer of sentenced persons, continuously strengthening mutual judicial trust, she said.
Legal reviews of treaties involving other countries and international organizations have been conducted efficiently, with the review of 16 treaties concluded since last October. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item