NATO still owes blood debt to Chinese people: Beijing

BEIJING: Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Friday that the US-led NATO, which previously bombed then Yugoslavia, killing many innocent civilians including three Chinese journalists, still owes a debt to the Chinese people, against the backdrop of Serbia’s nation-wide commemoration of the deaths of thousands of innocent people, in what Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic condemned as “a horrific act of crime, and act of aggression” from NATO.
Serbian people marked another Remembrance Day for the Victims of the NATO Aggression on Wednesday, held on the 22nd anniversary of the beginning of the 78-day attack spearheaded by the United States, which took away the lives of many civilians and brought immense material damages.
Hua Chunying, spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said at a routine press briefing on Friday that NATO should not forget that in 1999, the US-led NATO, in serious violation of relevant international laws and basic norms governing international relations, bombed the then Yugoslavia, killing a large number of innocent civilians, including three Chinese journalists. Speaking at a NATO foreign ministers meeting in Brussels this week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on NATO members to help counter the threat from an “aggressive and coercive” China. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg indicated China as a “challenge.”
“China would like to remind NATO that they still owe a debt of blood to the Chinese people… The dead have passed away, but the living need more vigilance and reflection,” Hua said.
Hua pointed out that the trend of world development today is peace and development, and such a historical trend is unstoppable. However, “we have also seen that power politics and hegemonism still resurface from time to time, seriously endangering and threatening world security, stability and international equity and justice.”
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item