Naturist, biodiversity expert Prof Z.B. Mirza passes away

By Adnan Rafique

ISLAMABAD: Senior biodiversity expert, naturist and Chairman Scientific Committee of the Islamabad Widlife Management Board, Prof. Dr. Z.B. Mirza, 88, passed away peacefully at his residence on Friday.
The funeral prayers of the deceased would be held after prayers at 5 pm, H-11 Graveyard.
Professor Zahid Baig Mirza, affectionately known as Prof. Z. B. Mirza, made significant contributions to the fields of ornithology, conservation, and biodiversity in Pakistan, earning both national and international recognition.
Throughout his career, Prof. Mirza authored over 60 research publications and penned 27 books, including the acclaimed “Field Guide to Birds of Pakistan” and the “Illustrated Handbook of Animal Biodiversity of Pakistan.”
He held key roles in various conservation organizations, such as serving as a senior member of the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board and chairing its Scientific Committee. Additionally, he chaired the Snow Leopard Foundation and provided expert consultation for environmental impact assessments and management plans in Pakistan. His involvement extended to being an Executive Member of the WWF Scientific Council in Pakistan.
Prof. Mirza’s dedication earned him two Lifetime Achievement Awards, highlighting his commitment to conservation. He played a foundational role in organizations like WWF-Pakistan, serving as a founding member, and served as the inaugural Director of the Pakistan Museum of Natural History in Islamabad.
His legacy lives on through the impact of his work on Pakistan’s natural heritage and the inspiration he provided to future generations of scientists and environmentalists.