Navy, Air Force continue relief, rescue efforts

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Navy established 04 x Flood Relief centers and 18 x Central Collection Points all across the country. These collection centers have distributed 1,805 Tons ration, 6,503 x tents & 730,763 liter mineral water in various districts.
In addition, 22 x tent cities have also been established where 25,673 Personnel have been accommodated.
Moreover, PN’s 23 x Emergency Response teams (ERTs) deployed all over Pakistan have rescued 15568 x stranded personnel.
These ERTs are equipped with 54 x motorized boats and 02 x Hovercraft. PN has also deployed 02 x helicopters in interior Sindh. Uptill now, in 69 x sorties, these helicopters rescued 479 x stranded people and distributed 5,333 packets of ration.
08 x Diving Teams of Pak Navy have also carried out 27 x Diving Operations in affected areas across the Pakistan. PN has also established 86 x Medical Camps in which 97,719 x patients have been treated till to date.
Pakistan Air Force has provided 6583 Tents, 570,341 Food packages, 3453.26 Tons of ration, 287,183 liter fresh water, for the flood affectees.
Moreover, PAF has established 46 Medical Camps where 72,228 patients have been treated so far. 20 Tent cities accommodating 19807 people, 54 relief camps and 03 central Aviation Hubs all across the country have also been established.
PAF also carried out 262 sorties and evacuated 1521 people from the flood affected areas. –Agencies