NCOC boosts coordination to halt Omicron fast spread

—Postpones decision on schools closure
—Decides to ramp up vaccination drive

Staff Report
ISLAMABAD: The National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) on Monday postponed the decision regarding the closure of educational institutions in the country once again as Omicron cases continue to spike in Pakistan, especially urban areas.
The meeting, attended by the federal and provincial education ministers, decided that the huddle will meet on Tuesday with fresh data to discuss the situation pertaining to educational institutions and the education sector.
The meeting also discussed measures to contain the rising number of Covid-19 infections across Pakistan. It had decided earlier that a ban will be imposed on the serving of snacks in buses and on commercial flights.
The meeting decided to ramp up the vaccination drive to tackle the Omicron wave and increase coordination with the Sindh government amid a rapid spread of the virus in the province. Currently, Karachi has a positivity rate of around 40 per cent.
On Friday, the Sindh government had decided that the schools and colleges will remain open amid the Covid wave. The government, however, had vowed to strictly implement the anti-virus protocols across the province to curb the rising infections.