NCOC issues SOPs for pupils, teachers

ISLAMABAD: The National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) on Monday has issued guidelines for the parents for sending their children to schools. The parents have been directed to ensure that child is wearing a face mask before going to school. The mask could be surgical or made of cloth.
In case of cough and other diseases, the child should not be sent to attend the school because that can easily expose threats to the lives of other children.
Necessary tests have been urged in case of deteriorating health, the NCOC guidelines say.
The parents have been also directed to report to the school if their child tests positive for the coronavirus.
Earlier in the day, the inter-provincial education ministers’ conference (IPEMC) decided in principle to allow educational institutions to reopen on September 15 starting from universities, colleges, and classes nine and ten.
Meanwhile, All Pakistan Schools and Colleges Association (APS&CA) has rejected the government’s decision of reopening schools phase-wise.“All classes in schools should be reopened at the same time”, said Chairman All Pakistan Schools and Colleges Association (APS&CA) Malik Abrar Hussain in his statement.