NDMA provides 4th batch of safety equipment to KP health department

PESHAWAR: The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on Tuesday delivered the fourth consignment of additional safety equipment to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) health department. According to details, the equipment includes masks, safety suits, surgical caps, gloves and face shields. The consignment included 1,26,000 surgical masks, 5,200 N-95 masks, 23,700 protective gears, 7,280 surgical gloves and 4,236 shoes to be used in intensive care units of hospitals. It also contained 5447 surgical caps, 4500 biohazard suits, 1034 protection glass, 2,627 face shields and 200 thermal guns, bottles of sanitizers. Besides, the PDMA is dispatching safety goggles, sanitizers and shoes cover to the hospitals on a daily basis. It must be noted that there are 1984 confirmed coronavirus cases in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The death toll in the province stands at 101. Earlier in the day, Adviser to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chief minister on information Ajmal Wazir said on Tuesday the provincial government has brought in an ordinance to check hoarding and profiteering of essential items. Speaking at a press conference, Ajmal Wazir urged the people to practice social distancing to avoid contracting the deadly virus. He also urged philanthropists to financially assist white-collar workers affected by the lockdown.