NEST to launch scholarship program

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: The National Endowment Scholarships for Talent (NEST) under Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training will launch 4-year Scholarship Program for nursing profession in the country on Wednesday.
Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, Shafqat Mahmood, will launch the first ever scholarship program for the Nursing profession in the country.
The 4-year scholarship program is initiated with the purpose to increase professional capacity of nursing profession by imparting quality education to the needy and deserving students. Initially, a total budget of Rs310 million has been earmarked for 1000 scholarships that would be given in 2020.
The scholarship program aimed at strengthening the honorable profession of nursing through providing scholarships to deserving and talented students in 4 years bachelors (GEN) program and developing the faculty of nursing institutes through MSN & PhD scholarships.
Nursing Year 2020 is observed as Year of Nursing globally and this Government bring unique and exclusive steps to promote nursing in the country. For this purpose, Ministry, FE&PT took the initiative to give scholarships to those talented student(s) who want to study in nursing segment.
Pakistan is far below the critical level for Human Resources for Health (HRH), being amongst the most HRH deprived countries of the world. Health system in Pakistan remains beset by a growing nursing workforce crisis. Currently there are almost 80000 nurses working in Pakistan whereas need for nurses is estimated as 800000.
Critical need for financial assistance for current working professional nurses to upgrade themselves by studying 4 years BSN (GEN) degree program since diploma programs obsoletes from year 2020 and onward.
NEST BOD has approved 52 Top ranking Nursing Institutes which are affiliated with HEC recognized Universities and registered and approved by PNC and shortlisted by the Selection Committee comprising upon PNC members and NEST members. The allocation of 1000 scholarship slots to these 52 Institutes has been recommended by the Selection Committee and Approved by BOD NEST.
Equal opportunity for most deserving but talented students is provided to all areas of Punjab, Sindh, Baloshistan, KPK, FATA, GB, ICT, & AJK. So talented students who wants to pursue nursing as career but cannot afford to do so can benefit through this program.
The total intake as per approved seats allocated by PNC for year 2020 for nurses is approximately 5000.