Netanyahu covert visit

ESTABLISHING total supremacy in the Middle East and acquiring leverage over Islamic countries is the ultimate aim of Zionist entity Israel in which it seems to be on the success path. UAE and Bahrain has set up diplomatic relations with Israel and Sudan is in the process of doing so. A media report of the other day reveals about the secret visit of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu toSaudi Arabia and his meeting with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in the Red Sea coast city of Naom on Sunday.
Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan has denied that any such high level meeting took place. On the contrary, no denial has come from Israel, which makes Saudi rebuttal quite doubtful. In the current information age, Netanyahu -Salman meeting cannot remain hidden and truth will come out. After recognition of Israel by Saudi Arabia, the Zionist entity will be able to wield greater influence over majority of Arab and African Islamic countries. It will divide the Muslims on Arab and Ajam lines. It was entirely for this reason that former Prime Minister of Malaysia aMahatir Muhammad announced on 23rd November 2019 that an Islamic summit will be held in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur from December 19-23. The theme of the summit was “Role of Development in Achieving National Security.” Saudi Arab torpedoed that useful initiative for the common good of Muslim Ummah. Hence, only top leaders of three non-Arab countries and one Arab country attended the Kuala Lumpur moot of December 2019. President of Turkey Reccep Tayyip Erdogan, Iran’s President Hassan Roohani, Amir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani andPrime Minister Mahatir Mohammad attend it. Pakistan first confirmed its participation in the summit and then stayed away due to Saudi pressure as Saudi Arabia had given short term loan of $6 billion to Pakistan, the greater component of which has now been paid back. The rationale behind Kuala Lumpur summit was to form a block of Islamic countries that can pool their resources for achieving economic development and national security, enabling them to run independent foreign policy. It is pertinent to mention here that Israel did not like emergence of such a scenario. The Jerusalem Post in its report on December 20, 2019 labeled the summit anti-Semitic and castigated President Erdogan for Syrian conflict, which was in fact created by the US, Israel and few Arab countries.