New Delhi warned against any irresponsible move

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday asked India to refrain from any irresponsible move which could have serious implications for peace and security in the region.
In her weekly press briefing in Islamabad, Foreign Office (FO) spokesperson Aisha Farooqui categorically rejected, once again, the baseless Indian allegations of infiltration, adding that these allegations were designed to divert world’s attention from its grave human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir and to create a pretext for ‘false flag’ operation.
On the occasion, she said that Pakistan strongly condemned the ongoing state-terrorism and extra judicial killings of innocent Kashmiris in so-called “cordon-and-search” operations in the held valley. Aisha Farooqui said that situation in occupied Kashmir continues to deteriorate due to the brutal military crackdown by Indian occupied forces. She said, “Today is the 277th day of the continued oppression, inhuman lockdown and military siege faced by the innocent people in the Indian occupied Kashmir.”
“We once again call upon the international community to take notice of the situation and hold India accountable for its illegal actions, which are imperiling peace and stability in South Asia.” The spokesperson urged the world community to work for ensuring the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.
Despite the surge in COVID-19 cases in Occupied Kashmir, Indian occupation forces continue their relentless campaign of oppression and brutalization of the Kashmiri people. She said innocent Kashmiris are being martyred in fake encounters and phoney cordon-and-search operations.
The Spokesperson said since yesterday, the Indian occupation forces have again completely shutdown internet in the Occupied Kashmir after the life of another local Kashmiri resistance fighter was taken in a so-called “encounter.” She said India must realize that it cannot break the will of the Kashmiri people and suppress their indigenous resistance movement through use of force. Pakistan on Thursday once again urged the international community to take notice of the current regional situation and hold India accountable for its illegal actions which is “imperilling peace and stability in South Asia”.
“We also urge the world community to work for ensuring the peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people,” said the Foreign Office in its weekly briefing.
The FO reminded the global community that May 7 marks the 227th day of continued oppression in IOJ&K and of the inhumane lockdown that the people of the region were put under on August 5, 2019.
Islamabad reminded the world that it is a matter of grave concern that the situation in IOJ&K continues to deteriorate under the brutal military crackdown by Indian forces. FO Spokesperson Aisha Farooqui said that since yesterday, Indian forces have once again completely shut down Internet services in the occupied valley after the life of another Kashmiri resistance fighter was taken in a “so-called encounter”.
Moreover, the FO asserted, there are reports of Indian security forces firing pellet guns and live bullets on peaceful protesters, killing at least one innocent Kashmiri and wounding scores of others. “These Indian actions are highly condemnable.”
“Pakistan strongly condemns the ongoing state terrorism and extra judicial killings of innocent Kashmiris in so-called ‘cordon-and-search’ operations in IOJ&K,” stated the FO.
Farooqui underscored that despite the surge in Covid-19 cases in IOJ&K, Indian occupation forces continue their relentless campaign of oppression and brutalisation of the Kashmiri people.
The FO maintained that innocent Kashmiris were being killed in fake encounters and “phoney cordon-and-search operations”. Moreover, in an inhumane practice, even the mortal remains of those killed are not being handed over to the families of the deceased.
“Thousands of Kashmiri men, women and children are taking to the streets to protest against Indian brutalities and to let the world community know that they reject illegal Indian occupation,” asserted the FO.
Pakistan upheld that India must realise that it cannot break the will of the Kashmir people and suppress their indigenous resistance movement through the use of force.
“The intensified resistance in IOJ&K is a direct consequence of Indian campaign of oppression and brutalisation of Kashmiris. We also categorically reject, once again, the baseless Indian allegations of “infiltration”, which are designed to divert attention from India’s grave human rights violations in IOJ&K and to create a pretext for “false flag” operation,” maintained the FO.
Pakistan maintained that while sensitising the international community about such a possibility, it has consistently urged India to refrain from any ill-considered and irresponsible move which could have serious implications for peace and security in the region. “We once again call upon the international community to take notice of the situation and hold India accountable for its illegal actions, which are imperiling peace and stability in South Asia.”
The international community was urged to work towards ensuring a peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people. The press briefing also informed that President Arif Alvi represented Pakistan at the Special Online Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement convened by president Azerbaijan in the capacity of NAM’s current chair, on the theme of “United against Covid-19”.