New generation jobs steal spotlight during pandemic

DM Monitoring

London: The normal flow of life has changed during the pandemic period. From health to education, from food to production, nothing is the same as before. What’s more, the data available so far could not have naturally predicted the special conditions of the pandemic. The forecasts were wrong, the change in demand and the forecasts did not hold. In such a period, a new generation of jobs emerged.
First, the demand, that is, the customer relationship, shifted to online shopping, and the customer quickly adapted to the trend. For this reason, new generation shopping services such as rapid delivery startup Getir are front and center.
While managing customer demand from big data to location-based services, these companies used their artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to the fullest and managed to keep their predictions right.
Businesses recovered
Many traditional businesses have been disrupted during the pandemic. Video meeting technologies used during remote working have eliminated the need to be physically present in the office. However, it was generally the creation of new generation jobs that ensured the continuity of life.
Those working on real estate projects have had a hard time. However, those who took immediate action and managed to digitally transform offices into common areas and for appointment use, got their job done. Again, seeing the demand for houses with a garden, the projects that made the summer houses habitable for 12 months accelerated the real estate projects.
While things may seem to have gone well for the health care industry, people have actually had fewer problems with the flu or cold as they took precautions. Startups using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies for disease diagnosis have had a number of successes. Point-to-point problem-solving nano-drugs have also become a favorite of the health care industry.
It has not been easy for the tourism sector to heal the wounds it suffered during the pandemic period. Tourism workers are experiencing increasing mobility at the beginning of the summer months, although it is not the same as before. Online reservations have acquired new habits, such as direct customer contact.
Corporate culture in company
Now, time will tell which of the new habits are here to stay.
Some forms of online shopping are likely to become permanent. Offices will be rescheduled for hybrid operation. It is time to determine units that will continue working from home and those that need to be present in the office. The corporate culture will be the determining factor in this decision.
You make decisions about people you have known for a long time. The effect of the corporate culture on the new members of the team is important. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the effect of the hybrid working order on the employees. Online meeting applications such as Zoom, Meet, Teams and Webex have become a part of life.
To-do list
Even if the inoculation drive spreads across the entire population, some behaviors adopted during the pandemic will not change. Some of the habits will become permanent for what we call bazaar shopping.
In other words, people may continue to buy certain products via their smartphones. New generation businesses such as the grocery store, market or Getir will continue to receive their usual share.
The habit of going to the market and shopping will also take its share. Those who take the right steps toward ensuring product quality, customer satisfaction and price will have the chance to maintain a long-term relationship.