New geo-political landscape

Prime Minister Imran Khan, along with his cabinet members and top military Commanders visited the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Secretariat on Monday, where they were given a briefing on the national and regional security situation of South Asia. The Prime Minister was accompanied by his Cabinet members and Services Chiefs of Pakistan Army, Navy and Air Force. According to reports, Prime Minister Imran Khan appreciated the diligent efforts of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) for national security and expressed his satisfaction over its professional preparedness. As said the Prime Minister emphasized that no effort would be spared for the Security, Integrity and Sovereignty of Pakistan. Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is the Supreme Intelligence Service of the country which is responsible for keeping a detail log of the internal as well as external emerging threats, their impacts on the country and policy recommendations for meeting the challenges. Currently, Pakistan is facing serious challenges relating to the region which would have dire impacts on its internal peace and stability. Afghanistan is the major reason of most of its worries however, several other geo-political changes are being emerge in the region and beyond which have direct or indirect impacts on Pakistan. Presently, Pakistan is particularly concerns about peaceful settlement of the Political disarray in post America-Afghanistan, Palestine issue and rapidly changing geo-Political situation in broader Middle East region and growing tension between big powers in Indo-Pacific region, all those have Policy strings for the Country in the coming time. In Afghan theatre, the United States and other peace facilitators had utilized their full resources and capacities to forge a consensus between the conflicting parties but till time there are less hopes for conceiving a win win deal between Afghan Republicans and Taliban. Americans had fixed their dispute with their prime rival in Afghanistan and preparing to exit Afghanistan by September, however the puppet government of Ashraf Ghani went to undo all the international efforts for a peace full Afghanistan. Ghani’s prime focus was to stay in the chair for a longer time, therefore he and his aides evaded all efforts of International community for reconciliation between Afghan government and Taliban. Pakistan also supported the idea of a transition government in the country which hurt the Ghani’s design to head the future system of Afghanistan after US withdrawal.
Therefore, Ghani blew out his frustration and bias against Pakistan and came up with old Afghan’s fashion of accusing Pakistan for their misdeeds and failures.

In fact, America is preparing to exit Afghanistan by September and the things are not moving in the direction of any political settlement so far. The present situation is clearly indicative that if both parties agree on a political settlement under US and international pressure it is unlikely to be a durable peace in the country due to self-centered agenda of both Afghan parties. Pakistan is scare of anarchy and unrest in the country because it would destabilize Pakistan peace and stability. Recently, Pakistan has taken a decisive stance on Palestine issue and Israeli-Indian nexus are likely to increase their anti-Pakistan activities with facilitation of Afghan’s NDS in coming days. There are some other factors operating to remap the Pakistan’s neighboring Middle East and Indo-Pacific region, which bear serious impacts on Pakistan’s foreign policy. However, Pakistan needs to take a prudent approach without indulging in other’s issues so Pakistan’s can safely move through this challenging time without hindering its growing economy in a peaceful and sustainable environment.