New plan for Afghanistan

Recently, a senior US State Department official has confirmed discussions on several options including the formation of a participatory government in Afghanistan during the visit of United States’ SRAR, Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad in last week. The discussions took place at a high-level Afghan leaders meeting under auspices of the United Nations in Kabul. According to reports, these discussions were based on the US administration review of the US-Taliban peace deal. US proposed several conditions to accelerate the peace process to reach a permanent, justifiable, fair peace in Afghanistan. The UN is likely to appoint a coordinator to work with the US and other countries’ special representatives to achieve the stated goal. The UN will organize a high-level meeting of countries that have influence on the Taliban including Iran and Pakistan for developing consensus among these countries and in the long term, political future of Afghanistan. The political leadership and internal stakeholders would also be briefed about the participatory plan in coming days, in which important issues including ceasefire and future setup will be discussed. According to sources, President Ghani and ambassador Khalilzad met thrice in past three days. Efforts are being made to reach an agreement with high support from the national and regional levels so Afghanistan would not face a proxy war in the future again. The Afghan Peace Process was facing a stalemate in the backdrop of review of the US-Taliban peace deal by the Biden administration and increasing gap in priorities of both sides of Intra-Afghan negotiators i.e. Afghan government and its rival Taliban. Few factions of Afghan society consider Ghani government as main obstacle before peace path in Afghanistan. Earlier, President Ashraf Ghani had continuously maintained that he would never agree on formation of an interim government. Tomorrow, in the backdrop of recent plan of Participatory Afghan government by Zalmay Khalilzad, Second Vice President Mohammad Sarwar Danish said that the plan for the formation of an interim setup in Afghanistan will lead to the collapse of the entire system, adding that the people’s vote is the best option to determine the future of Afghanistan. However, one can argue that how the disputed government of Ashraf Ghani can provide a free and fair environment for the people’s vote for next elected government in the country. In fact, the incumbent Afghan government leaders view the interim government as end to their rule therefore, they are continuously opposing the interim setup.
However, US government and its SRAR, Zalmay Khalilzad is actively working on the project to form an interim government in the war-torn country. According to reports, an international conference will be hosted under UN flag to constitute interntional consensus for moving ahead on Afghan peace process. Amb. Zalmay Khalilzad has handed over the draft of proposed plan to President Ghani and his affiliates during his recent visit to Kabul. President Ashraf Ghani and others have no card to desist this US move expect searching positivity out of it. According to analysts, currently, an independent, non-political, and neutral caretaker government for a short period of time is eminent. The interim government should hold just and fair election in the country and must hand over the powers to next democratically elected Afghan government timely. After composition of new elected Afghan government, UN must work to disarm all armed militias including Taliban, war lords and others to ensure a long-lasting and durable peace and stability in the Country.