New plan for Afghanistan

Leaders of NATO member states had issued a joint communique after in depth celebrations on a wide range of topics including NATO’s role after US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Afghan Peace negotiations, growing influence of Russia and China and terrorism across the globe. The NATO’s leadership expressed its support for Afghanistan and said that withdrawing troops does not mean ending NATO’s relationship with Afghanistan. NATO vowed to continue to stand with Afghanistan, its people, and its institutions. It was said that NATO will continue to provide training and financial support to the Afghan Security Forces, through the Afghan National Army Trust Fund. While charting our future strategy it was said that NATO will maintain a Senior Civilian Representative’s Office in Kabul to continue diplomatic engagement and enhance its partnership with Afghanistan. It was informed that recognizing the importance of an enduring diplomatic and international presence, as well as to Afghanistan’s connectivity with the world, NATO will provide transitional funding to ensure continued functioning of Hamid Karzai International Airport. It was further said that NATO will continue to support the ongoing Afghan-owned and Afghan-led peace process, and called on all stakeholders to help Afghanistan foster a lasting inclusive political settlement that puts an end to violence; safeguards the human rights of Afghans, upholds the rule of law; and ensures that Afghanistan never again serves as a safe haven for terrorists. The Communique issued by the NATO alliance is clearly indicative of the United States and NATO’s discourse in Afghanistan after withdrawal of their troops. The current trajectory of events illustrates that Western alliance wants to keep Hamid Karzai International airport in its control on lame excuses of ensuring diplomats’ security and Afghanistan’s connectivity with the rest of the world. Turkey, a Muslim member of NATO alliance is being used as its successor to protect its assets and to further its interests in the war-torn country. Both United States and NATO are in the view that Afghans may not react to the presence of Turkish troops in Afghanistan being a Muslim Country, however they had forgotten that Afghans are killing each other for the sake of their rule and power over last four decades how they can spare Turkish military in any role. Presently Turkey has 500 troops stationed in Afghanistan under NATO’s Command to train Afghan Defence Forces. Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Aker told the reporters that Turkey is ready to keep its troops in Afghanistan, if its conditions will be met including Political, Financial and Logistics support.
Currently, Turkey is ready to appease its Western allies by scapegoating its troops in the war hit country. If Turkey stays in Afghanistan it will certainly face opposition from Afghan parties particularly Taliban fighters. A Taliban Spokesperson recently said that if Turkey decides to keep troops in Afghanistan, Afghans will treat them in the same way they dealt with other invaders during the past. Taliban Spokesperson further said that the world must not worry about the security of foreign diplomats or humanitarian workers and it is the responsibility of Afghans not the world. However, Afghan government is favoring the International presence in the Country in any shape because it will be a source of confidence and dollars flow into the Country. However, the International Community must work to conceive a mutually agreed political setup in Afghanistan and avoid further erosion of the situation, so Afghan people can live a prosperous life in a peaceful and stable Afghanistan.