New plan released to strengthen safeguards

BEIJING: China has demonstrated its determination and abilities in wetland protection by releasing far-reaching plans and making notable environmental improvements, officials said. According to a plan released by the central government last month, China will have protected 55 percent of its wetland and added 20 wetland areas of international importance and 50 of national importance by 2025. The plan, issued by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration and the Ministry of Natural Resources, said restoration projects will be carried out on 30 wetland areas. “Wetland” refers to a natural or artificial area with standing water, either year-round or seasonally, and significant ecological functions. The term also includes coastal areas where the water is no more than 6 meters deep at low tide, but excludes paddy fields and expanses of water used for aquaculture and artificial breeding purposes. China’s wetland protection rate now exceeds 50 percent, up from 43.5 percent in 2015, and it is home to 64 wetland areas of international importance and 29 of national importance, the administration said.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item