New regulations to keep deputies frugal, focused during two sessions

BEIJING: This year’s two sessions are aiming to keep its attending deputies more frugal and focused on their work than in previous years as new measures were adopted by the top legislature and top political advisory body.
The third session of the 12th National People’s Congress has put forward 18 measures to regulate the behavior of deputies, such as no exchanging gifts and no treating to meals, as well as submitting “meaningful proposals”.
The third session of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has proposed its own similar set of 17 measures, such as forbidding extravagance during meetings, receptions and official car use.
“I still have some suggestions on some wording of this report,” said Li Lecheng, director of Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission, after stopping three officials with the National Development and Reform Commission following a panel discussion on March 7.
It is common to see such serious and frank discussions in this year’s two sessions. Some deputies argue about an issue or proposal so heatedly that the moderator has to intervene.
The two sessions still remains focused on limiting waste and protecting the environment. Information about meetings and panel discussions are available online. Deputies are offered an option to receive documents in e-formats.
“We are not providing bottled water this year … Deputies can drink water or tea using porcelain cups at meetings,” said Gao Lifeng, deputy manager of Xizhimen Hotel where two delegates are living during the sessions.
Gao also noted the dining hall checks how many people will eat there every day and offers the appropriate amount of food.
“I feel the two sessions are closer to the people,” said Beijing taxi driver Nie Yuming, adding that the issues discussed during the two sessions are those that closely affect the public, such as smog, affordable housing and law-based taxation. (People’s Daily)