New regulations to strengthen CPC’s work

BEIJING: The regulations on the organizational work of the Communist Party of China (CPC) provide fundamental rules to better the organizational work and strengthen Party organizations in the new era, according to the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee.
The regulations, which were made public recently by the CPC Central Committee, are of great importance to uphold the Party’s overall leadership on organizational work and comprehensively improve the work quality, said a statement from the department.
The regulations have made provisions on topics including the CPC’s organization systems, selection and management of cadres, and promotion of talents, said the statement.
The regulations stipulate that the organizational work must follow the principles, including “upholding Party’s overall leadership,” and “selecting officials on the basis of both integrity and ability, with priority given to integrity and on the basis of merit regardless of background.”
The organization department will promote the study and publicity of the regulations and strengthen the supervision on the implementation of the regulations, said the statement. – Agencies