New Zealand submits to hoax, delivered specifically to target important China ally

-Wallington abandons Pakistan’s Cricket tour, recalls team on mysterious threat alert
-Ploy to isolate Pakistan through cricket banishing works on Kiwi Premier Jacinda Ardern
-Jacinda lets go Pakistani counterpart’s personal and official guarantees for team’s safety
-Move takes place after America announces AUKAS security pact, targeting China and its top allies
-Wallington reluctant to share “so-called” threat sources, details, citing it to be based on intelligence reports, refrains from sharing it with Pakistani Intelligence with Pakistani security agencies being crystal clear about non existence of any threat to visiting Kiwi team -Indian Intelligence Agency globally know for hatching such conspiracies against Pakistan, creating fake intelligence reports and discouraging foreign teams to visit Pakistan to play Cricket
-Sri Lankan official are on record to have confirmed Indian warnings to Colombo for not sending Cricket team to Pakistan that resulted into an attack by Indian terrorists at Lahore in 2009
-Once again Indian cyber wing portal used to spread terror threats to Kiwi cricket team in Pakistan 
-New Zealand cricket team was provided head of the State security with more than 4000 Police personnel deployed along with special units of Infantry Battalions and Special Services Group of Pakistan Army with support from Airborne surveillance units as well 
-New Zealand’s own Intelligence mechanism itself failed to detect and prevent mega terror incident in Christchurch when Bangladesh cricket team was visiting New Zealand in March 2019

By Makhdoom Babar

ISLAMABAD: No bullet went off, not even a cracker blew, no security breach took place, no bird flew in the wrong direction, yet Pakistan was hit by a missile, this time fired by non other but by the otherwise very friendly country, the New Zealand and this missile was not some tactical weapon but actually a very harsh announcement by the kiwi government that it was abandoning the Cricket tour of Pakistan and was recalling its Crick team from Pakistan as it had received a security threat from its intelligence sources.
The matter was immediately brought to top security officials of Pakistan and they found it to be merely a hoax with all intelligence agencies of Pakistan not having even an iota of such a threat as the historic intelligence collection process and State level security was put in place for the safety of the visiting and host Cricket team.
The new Zealanders were asked to elaborate their threat and share details of it so that immediate action could be taken after verifying the same. However neither the New Zealand officials at Wallington nor the local security staff could provide any evidence or details of the said threat.
Upon this the matter was brought to the notice of the Prime Minister who was on visit to Tajik Capital of Dushanbe to participate in SCO meeting. The highly upset Pakistani Premier wasted no time to make a phone call to his Kiwi counterpart and while discussing the matter with her, gave her his personal and State guarantees for the safety of the Kiwi Cricket team but she insisted on cancelling the tour and recalling her Cricket team.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that no one at the New Zealand Cricket headquarters or at the Headquarters of New Zealand’s intelligence at Wallington were bothered about visiting Cricket team’s security in Pakistan as the advance security team had already given comprehensive clearance to the holding of Cricket series in Pakistan after visiting Pakistan and getting detailed briefing on the top level security arrangements.
However, it was only after the mysterious AUKUS Pact was formally announced by US President Joe Biden, a new dubious alliance, comprising Australia, UK and the US, apparently formed to fix China and its allies in Asia in particular. Soon after the formal announcement of the AUKUS, things began to work in the most mysterious ways.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that though AUKUS officially comprises of Australia, UK and the Unites States, however it has some undeclared members that include New Zealand, India and some


three to 5 more States. The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal further that it was only after the AUKUS formation was announced to the world formally, The Indian Intelligence agency RAW’s Cyber Wing’s Portals started going viral with the fake posts about threat to New Zealand’s Cricket team in Pakistan.
For the purpose, some fake Twitter accounts were created by the names of some TTP terrorists as their original accounts must have been banned by Twitter administrations and these accounts were activated to issue different level warning regarding the safety of New Zealand Cricket team in Pakistan. Within hours of this activity getting in practice, New Zealand authorities were told to pay attention to these social media trolls and to add to it a word from Indian Intelligence was also sent to Wallington in this regard.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the selection of India’s RAW by the orchestrators of this nefarious move, that was put in place after the formation of AUKUS , was because RAW had a history of messing with Cricket in Pakistan and were behind the carnage that took place in visiting Sri Lankan team at Lahore back in 2009, a move that kept international cricked banished from Pakistani stadiums for over a decade.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that some top Sri Lankan security officials had confided into Pakistani officials in past that RAW and the Indian High Commission in Colombo did issue very serious warnings to Sri Lankan authorities regarding sending Lankan Cricket team to Pakistan in 2009 and they went on to threat Lankan authorities that the Lankan team will meet a massacre if they visit Pakistan.
These Lankan officials, who are now living retired lives further confided that the attack on Sri Lankan team at Lahore was executed just in the same manner in which it was described to happen by the RAW officials at Colombo, however, Lankan authorities, despite having this entire knowledge of the strings being attached to RAW for the Lahore terror attack on Lanka Cricket team, could not divulge over the matter due to strong RAW hold over the then political leadership at Colombo, which was later revealed when Colombo’s new political regime expelled RAW’s Colombo Station Chief from Sri Lanka when caught red handed in massive interference in country’s political matter ranging to the tune of manipulating country’s Presidential elections.
The Daily Mail’s investigations further reveal that it was not the end of the affairs of RAW with regard to Pakistan Cricket as after when Pakistan managed to restore confidence of international community by very effective counter terrorism operations and International Cricket teams and individual International Cricketers started visiting Pakistan, RAW again started preventing them under one pretext or the other. In the latest attempt of this series, RAW, in alliance with Indian Cricket Board, issued official threats to International crickets of cancelling their visas, banning their entry to India and barring them from participating in highly lucrative Indian Premier League if they would go to take part in Pakistan’s Kashmir Premier League (KPL) with many International cricketers expressed their deep resentments to these Indian threats by posting their view on Social Media. With these credential to their Cricket, the orchestrators of the move had none else better than RAW to initiate this move.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that New Zealand’s Cricket team was provided with historic VVIP Security blanket. The Security that was provided to the visiting team was though being termed as Presidential security or the head of the State level security but actually it was far beyond that. Police officials from 26 cities were deployed that were more than 4000 in number. To add to it, units from Pakistan Army Infantry Battalions and Commando Units from highly prestigious Special Services Group (SSG) of the Pakistan Army were also positioned to ensure the safety of the visitors. Bullet Proof and Bomb Proof vehicles were being used for the transportation of the guests while helicopter units were also put on surveillance duties on. These all security measures together are not used even for the security of President or Prime Minister of Pakistan.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the global security experts do not believe New Zealand’s claims of the move being based on their own Intelligence input as they do now have a very satisfactory record regarding Intelligence inputs and their intelligence mechanism was very badly exposed when they miserably failed to intercept the mega terror act in Christchurch just a couple of years back in which dozens of Muslims were massacred at 2 separate mosques while the visiting Bangladesh Cricket team was just yards away from one those targeted mosques. The Bangladeshi Cricket team miraculously survived the massacre with no security or intelligence rescue.