No bounds for Iran to develop relations with Azerbaijan

BAKU: Iran knows no boundaries on developing relations with Azerbaijan, Spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Saeed Khatibzadeh said.
Specifically for this purpose, Iran sent a high-ranking diplomat to Azerbaijan as an ambassador, he noted.
Khatibzadeh noted that discussions on holding the trilateral meeting of Iran, Turkey and Azerbaijan are underway.
The current Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Abbas Mousavi previously worked as a press secretary of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Meanwhile, By refusing to vote for the resolution on Georgia presented by this country at the UN General Assembly, Armenia has once again shown its two-facedness, Head of the Azerbaijan-Georgia Working Group on inter-parliamentary relations, MP of Azerbaijan Arzu Naghiyev, told media.
The MP noted that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says that he always has a positive attitude towards Georgian-Armenian relations, posing as a friend, but actually refuses to vote for the resolution, held at the international level.
“Of course, the Armenians will abstain from voting, because they themselves violate the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, and they occupied the Azerbaijani lands. If Armenia supported this resolution, the Nagorno-Karabakh issue would inevitably emerge. This means that Georgia must draw a conclusion for itself who is its friend and who is not. I think that the Georgian authorities should make appropriate decisions on this issue and revise their policy related to Armenia,” said the MP.
On September 3, as a result of a vote, a resolution “Status of refugees and internally displaced persons from Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region of South Ossetia (Georgia)” was adopted at the UN General Assembly.
Azerbaijan supported the draft resolution, while Armenia refused to participate in the voting.–Agencies