No compromise on nuclear assets: CJCSC

-Gen. Raza says ‘unnecessary views’ on Pakistan’s nuclear programme should be avoided
-Claims Pakistan is a responsible and confident nuclear country
-Terms Country’s safety mechanism in line with international standards
RAWALPINDI: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (JCSC) General Nadeem Raza on Monday said “unnecessary and unfounded views” on Pakistan’s nuclear programme should be avoided, adding that Pakistan was a responsible nuclear power and will not make any compromise on its nuclear arsenals.
According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), his comments came during a keynote address delivered at a seminar on “Regional Environment and Imperatives of Security” at the NUST Institute of Policy Studies (NIPS) in Islamabad.
The seminar was attended by students, academics and distinguished experts from different parts of the country, the ISPR said.
Commenting on the regional security environment, General Raza, who is also the deputy chairman of the National Command Authority (NCA), reiterated the significance of Pakistan’s nuclear capability as the guarantor of deterrence and defence of Pakistan.
“Pakistan’s nuclear programme enjoys across-the-board support of all political parties and the people of Pakistan. The NCA, with all its political and military leadership, stands firm for the strategic programme,” he said.
He asserted that national security is indivisible and assured that under no circumstances shall Pakistan allow a compromise on its nuclear program.
“Pakistan is a confident and responsible nuclear power. It pursues the policy of full-spectrum deterrence within the precincts of credible minimum deterrence. Our national security and safety architecture meets all national and international obligations and caters for all kinds of scenarios.”
He went on to say that as a norm in other nuclear-capable nations, “unnecessary and unfounded views on the strategic program should be avoided”.
“When necessary, NCA is the right forum to issue specific responses or views.” –ISPR