No deserving beneficiaries to be left out of BISP

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: State Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Ali Muhammad Khan Friday informed the National Assembly that no deserving beneficiary will be excluded from Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). Responding to questions during Question Hour he said, “I assure the House that no deserving beneficiary will be excluded from the benefit list of BISP”.
On a point raised by a legislator of Pakistan Peoples Party that the deserving people who had been sent on Umra and Hajj by philanthropists had been excluded from the beneficiaries list of BISP. He said that issue had been discussed with the chairperson of BISP and these people will not be excluded from the list. The Minister of State clarified that BISP was not being renamed. He said the government had started a comprehensive Ehsaas Program and enhanced its allocations to Rs190 billion from Rs100 billion. He said under this initiative several programs were being launched for the poor segments of the society.