‘No foreign interference in China’s internal affairs regarding Tibet’

BEIJING: China firmly opposes any foreign country using Tibet to interfere in its internal affairs,
Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Thursday.
Setting up of the so-called special coordinator for Tibetan issues was entirely out of political manipulation to interfere in China internal affairs and destabilize Xijang (Tibet), he said during his regular briefing while responding to a question regarding appointment of a U.S. special coordinator for Tibet.
He said China firmly opposed to appointment of the coordinator and it would not recognize it, adding that people of ethnic groups in Tibet were part of the big family of Chinese nation.
The spokesperson said since its peaceful liberation, Tibet enjoyed prosperous economic growth, harmonious civil society and prosperous culture. People enjoyed solidarity and mutual assistance and improved livelihood, he added.
He said, “All people in Tibet enjoy their full religious freedom and their rights are fully respected and guaranteed. We believe Tibet future will be better,”.
He urged the U.S to stop interfering in China internal affairs under the pretext of Tibet or destabilising it. “China will take all necessary measures to uphold our interests,” he added.
According to reports, the United States has appointed Robert Destro, assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor as special coordinator for Tibetan issues. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that Mr. Desro would assume the additional post, which has been vacant since 2017. – Agencies