No one can pull NAB's strings, will leave if anyone does: NAB chairman

ISLAMABAD: National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal said that the anti-corruption inquiries by the bureau will be completed swiftly and properly.
He made the comments while interacting with reporters on his way to brief the Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly.
In response to a question, the NAB chief said no one can pull the accountability bureau’s strings; if strings are pulled, he will pick up his “briefcase and leave”.
In response to a question, the NAB chief said it was not the bureau’s concern when or if the elections are held.
He stated further that if someone has done corruption then he or she is answerable before and after the elections.

The NAB chief also said that it is not his job to stop former prime minister Nawaz Sharif.

In his briefing to the PAC, the NAB chief gave an overview of the ongoing inquiries and investigations of the bureau.