NSA, Afghan leadership assess humanitarian situation

| Both parties fixed on early completion of connectivity projects | Decide to further deepening economic exchanges | Agree to establish National Level Coordination Mechanism

From Our Correspondent

ISLAMABAD: National Security Adviser Moeed Yusuf undertook a two-day visit to Kabul to discuss with the Afghan leadership, the humanitarian requirements and Pakistan’s proposals for deepening economic engagement to overcome the current challenges their country was facing.
During the visit, the NSA who also heads Afghanistan Inter-Ministerial Coordination Cell (AICC), called on Afghanistan’s Acting Deputy Prime Minister Mullah Abdus Salam Hanafi and the Acting Foreign Minister Mullah Amir Khan Muttaqi to discuss the current situation in Afghanistan and strengthening of bilateral relations between the two countries.
The visit yielded substantive outcomes in terms of forward movement on trade facilitation and social sector support, a press release from the office of NSA said on Sunday.
Both sides also reiterated their commitment to the early completion of three major connectivity projects, CASA- 1000, TAPI, and Trans-Afghan Rail project.
“Both sides agreed to establish a National Level Coordination Mechanism for enhancing facilitation at Border Crossing Points. They also agreed to initiate barter trade, modalities for which will be worked out immediately,” it said.
Special Envoy for Afghanistan Ambassador Muhammad Sadiq and senior officials from relevant ministries were part of his delegation.
Dr. Moeed Yousuf also held delegation-level meetings with other relevant Afghan ministers and senior officials dealing with humanitarian and economic issues.
During the visit, Pakistan offered Afghanistan capacity building and training support in multiple sectors including health, education, banking, customs, railways and aviation among others.
Afghanistan and Pakistan emphasized their commitment to ensuring peace and stability in both countries.
Dr. Yusuf thanked the interim Afghan government for their warm hospitality.
Earlier, The interim Afghan Taliban government on Saturday assured a Pakistani delegation headed by the national security adviser that the Afghan soil would not be allowed to use against the neighbouring countries, including Pakistan.
The assurance was given by Afghanistan acting Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Salam Hanafi during a meeting with NSA Dr Moeed Yusuf, who was leading an inter-ministerial delegation to primarily assess humanitarian needs of Afghanistan and discuss economic issues.
He was accompanied by Special Envoy on Afghanistan Ambassador Muhmmad Sadiq and other senior officials.
Moeed was the second high ranking official to have visited Kabul after the Afghan Taliban takeover in August last year. In October last year, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi undertook a visit to Kabul.
The visit by the NSA came against the backdrop of spike in terrorist attacks carried out by the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Pakistan is concerned that the TTP is still using the Afghan soil to launch attacks against Pakistan.
Yusuf had told the National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs that organised terrorist networks were still operating on the Afghan soil, which was still being used against Pakistan.
He told the parliamentarians that the TTP had unilaterally scrapped a ceasefire agreement with the government.
But a statement issued by the Taliban government quoted the Afghan deputy prime minister as telling the Pakistani delegation that “Policy of the Islamic Emirate is clear that we will not allow anyone to use Afghan soil against neighbours and other countries. We also demand similar action from others”.
The Afghan Taliban had earlier brokered a ceasefire between Pakistan and the TTP but a month long truce ended without much progress in the peace talks.
Since then Pakistan has announced resumption of operations against the TTP and said fight against them would continue till their threat is eliminated.
The two sides also reviewed bilateral ties between, with focus on economic, trade cooperation and connectivity.
The Afghan deputy prime minister said Pakistan and Afghanistan are two “neighbouring and brotherly countries which have historical, religious and brotherly relations and I hope that the relationship will be durable and will continue in the atmosphere of brotherhood”.
“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wants good relations with Pakistan on mutual respect and promotion of trade and transit relations,” Hanfi added.
He also thanked Pakistan for helping Afghan refugees and hosting them. “We want relations with Pakistan and all regional countries on the basis of mutual respect and goodwill in which trade and transit relations will further improve.”
The Afghan deputy prime minister urged the Pakistani traders and investors to invest in Afghanistan energy, mines and agriculture sectors.
Moeed discussed Pakistani efforts to help revive the Afghan economy and address the humanitarian crises unfolding in the country.
The NSA visited Kabul on the directives of Prime Minister Imran Khan to assess the humanitarian situation on the ground and how Pakistan can help prevent a human catastrophe.
Pakistan has been advocating engagement with the Afghan Taliban and also seeking foreign assets of Afghanistan to be unfreezed.
Also, Prime Minister Imran said the international community should think of 40 million Afghans irrespective of they like the Afghan Taliban or not.