NSTP marks International Women’s Day

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: The National Science and Technology Park (NSTP) has celebrated International Women’s Day by highlighting the contributions of the Senior Engineer, Mashaal. Mashaal is currently working as a Senior Engineer at LearnOBots, which is a private educational company based in NSTP, National University of Science and Technology (NUST).
Her role involves researching, planning, designing, and teaching STEAM curriculum based on the technology of the future such as Robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence.
As a Mechatronics Engineer, she has always been fascinated by technology and its endless possibilities.
She took interest in the STEAM field from a young age and pursued her passion by studying Mechatronics Engineering at Ontario Tech University, Canada.
Mashaal is most passionate about encouraging more girls to explore the STEAM realm. There is a significant gender gap in STEM fields, with women being underrepresented in many areas. Mashaal believes that this needs to change, and wants to inspire more girls to pursue their dreams in STEAM. According to Mashaal, the world of STEAM offers endless possibilities and she is living proof of that. She had an opportunity to work on exciting projects, collaborate with amazing people, and make a real difference in the lives of students.
She said, “I am grateful for the opportunities that I have had, and I hope to inspire more girls to explore the STEAM realm. So, to all the girls out there, I encourage you to pursue your passions in STEAM”.
“Whether you are interested in Robotics, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, or any other area, know that the sky is the limit. With hard work, dedication, and a passion for learning, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Remember, the future is yours, so go out there and make it happen!”, she said.