NUMS, NIH agree to further research co-op

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

RAWALPINDI: The National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) and National Institute of Health Islamabad (NIH) Friday signed five-year Document of Understanding (DoU) to strengthen research cooperation in development of medical sciences.
The DoU was inked by NUMS Vice Chancellor Lt. General (Retd) Syed Muhammad Imran Majeed and Executive Director NIH Major General Aamir Ikram held at the university. Pro-Vice Chancellor Academics Major General (Retd) Saleem Ahmed Khan and Pro Vice Chancellor Administration Major General (Retd) Syed Reza Hamdani also attended the event. Under the DoU, the two national institutions agreed to facilitate the exchange of faculties, scientists and experts for joint research project in order to promote research. NUMS was “mandated to promote and achieve excellence in advanced health education, research and service delivery to eventually run the university healthcare system. It also provides for cooperation “in exchange of scientific information books, journals and other relevant technical materials in the field of training, research and technology†in line with policies of NUMS and NIH. Both the sides agreed to appoint focal persons to monitor implementation of the programme and prepare annual progress report.