Nurses protest against Sindh government

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: At least one paramedic was injured after police tried to stop a march from an alliance of the Sindh-wide nurses on Tuesday towards Chief Minister House against their non-regularization.
The paramedics began their march towards the CM House from Karachi Press Club and were intercepted by a heavy contingent of police near Arts Council Karachi. After a scuffle with police in the red zone area of the city, one of the nurses got injured during the protest as they demanded of the provincial authorities to regularize them. A senior Vice President of the nursing alliance, Junaid Gondal, said that they have been hired on contract three times by the provincial government.
“Despite performing our duties even during the pandemic, the Sindh government is yet to regularize us,” he said and warned that their protest would continue until their demands for regularization is met. This is not the first time that nurses serving in the province had protested against the provincial government. In July this year, a large number of nurses staged a protest near the Sindh Chief Minister’s House at PIDC traffic intersection. They said as many as 2,384 nurses were recruited to perform duties in Covid-19 wards but they have been deprived of their salaries for the last three months.