Online internship program Contemporary Dynamics of Azerbaijan held

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: The Thirteenth session of the Online Internship Program “Contemporary Dynamics of Azerbaijan†was held, here on Monday. This internship program is initiated jointly by Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad, and the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Pakistan. The theme for the seventh week of this internship is related to “History of Azerbaijan, Shared ties & Commonalities with Pakistan†. The session commenced with the opening remarks by Ms. Mehreen Gul, Program Director. She mentioned the significance of this internship program while highlighting the importance to familiarize ourselves with the history of both the brotherly countries. Especially when we look towards bilateral cooperation in sphere of economy, trade, education, and culture.
Dr. Eynulla Madatli – Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs at the Institute of Philosophy, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and Former Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Pakistanwas the speaker for this session.
He discussed the ancient history of Azerbaijan and explained about the Islamic cultural roots. He also highlighted the efforts of “Babar†who introduced the Islamic culture and how he transformed the reforms of the entire region. The History of Azerbaijan is linked with Central Asian countries. Dr. Eynulla briefed about Shah Ismaiyal and his contribution. Moreover he said that it is important to know the dynasty of Mughal emperors and their efforts in the region.
He discussed about the beautiful architecture that came from the brave historians. Especially the Turkish & Iranian architecture and designs can be seen in the region. Moreover, he briefed the audience about “Babur nama†and “Akbar nama†. It is important to know that they played vital role in linguistics especially in Arabic. In Pakistan we can see the followers of Allama Naqashbandi.
Dr. Eynulla further said that the work of these scholars can be found in the famous libraries. Their books are still a source of attraction for the students. It is noteworthy that students from across Pakistan have enrolled for this exclusive Internship program. This program will prove to be a milestone in improving the bilateral diplomatic relations of Azerbaijan and Pakistan.