Openness enables a country to move forward

BEIJING: A five-year participant of the China International Import Expo (CIIE), U.S. electric carmaker Tesla wowed visitors at this year’s edition.
Its new models Model S Plaid and Model X Plaid, together with the humaniform Optimus Bot, made their debut on the Chinese mainland at the expo, which ran in Shanghai from November 5 to 10. Initiated in 2018, the CIIE is the world’s first national-level import expo. Over the past five years, many participants like Tesla have grown along with the Chinese market.Breaking ground in 2019, Tesla’s Shanghai-based Gigafactory is the first wholly foreign-owned car manufacturer in China, delivering its vehicles to domestic and overseas consumers. Its second Gigafactory in China is reportedly in the works. The company is also expanding its charging network to bolster market acceptance.
“The report to the 20th Communist Party of China National Congress in October once again stressed the country’s commitment to further opening up.
Over the past years, Tesla has participated in and benefited from China’s opening up as it explores the Chinese market and its great demand and cooperates with Chinese enterprises,” Tao Lin, Vice President of Tesla China, told Beijing Review.
–The Daily Mail-Beijing Review news exchange item