OPF interacting with foreign officials to resolve expats’ woes

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: The Overseas Pakistanis Foundation (OPF) Wednesday said it had been conducting regular online interaction with the host countries’ relevant officials to resolves the Pakistani expatriates’ issues, besides providing them relief amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
“The online interactions with the relevant officials of foreign countries are being held with the help of the Community Welfare Attachees and Pakistan’s mission abroad,†an official in the OPF stated.
He said most of the time contact was made with the relevant officials of the Middle Eastern Countries, where a large number of Pakistanis had been facing multiple issues.
The official pointed out that the OPF had also been holding webinars with the Pakistani community in different countries to ascertain their problems. All-out efforts were being made to redress the expats issues in effective manner.
He said focal person had been nominated in the United Arab Emirates for coordination with Embassies/Consulate Generals to arrange food, health, accommodation and other facilities for jobless Pakistani workers and prisoners.