‘Opp huddles won’t succeed against PM’

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Chaudhry Fawad Hussain said on Sunday that conspiracies, hatched by opposition parties, could not succeed against Prime Minister Imran Khan, no matter, how many huddles and meetings they had.
Addressing a press conference along with Minister for Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi at Noor Khan Air Base, he said that, Saturday, Pakistan Peoples Party and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leaders had consultations for two hours, but, if they even sit together for many days for adopting strategy to topple this government, they would not succeed in their designs.
He said that their claims of bringing no confidence motion were only figments of imagination as there was much difference in the numbers in the National Assembly. He said that even in the Senate where they had a so-called majority, they could not prove their majority.
They would never be

able to introduce no-confidence motion and with the passage of time they would get further weakened.
He said that some people criticized the Prime Minister’s visit to China by finding fault with the welcome of the PM. Taking dig at the opposition, he said that unfortunately those who could not differentiate between bilateral and multilateral visits had become experts on foreign affairs.
He said that more than 20 heads of state were invited to China, and like Prime Minister Imran Khan, all were given similar protocol on arrival. The love shown by the Chinese people for the Pakistan Winter Olympics team in the stadium was unique.
The Winter Olympics witnessed the immense love of the Chinese people for the Pakistan team, Chaudhry Fawad said, adding that there was a need to work on winter sports. “Our northern regions are bigger than Switzerland, we have the potential to work for the Winter Olympics, China will also help us in winter sports “, said Chaudhry Fawad .
He said the opposition leaders gathered at Model Town to express solidarity with each other on the day when the entire nation was observing the Kashmir Solidarity Day. “We have repeatedly stated that
it is the gang of criminals which only unite in Pakistan when we make efforts to curb their crimes and bring their wealth back to the country.”
He said that Saturday Shahbaz Sharif and Bilawal Zardari were mourning and Maryam Nawaz also reached there and they started a drama series “Hum Paanch” and their screams could be heard in the sky. He said that success of the PM’s visit to China could be judged from their screams.
Saturday, he said the opposition did nothing but tried to cover up their stolen money. He said that the PPP and PML-N were now regional parties and they had no role in national politics.
Lashing out Bilawal Bhutto, Fawad said that as far as long march concern, he (Bilawal) could not , even organise “short marches”, as he doesn’t have support of enough people.
The minister reminded that the opposition had called for a long march for the 13th time, but every time they failed to mobilize the people.
Sarcastically, he said this time the government will try to give them some people so that they will not have any problem in the long march.
He said that the PPP has gone to Shahbaz Sharif’s house and signed its surrender document, as per agreement, the PPP will have no political role in Punjab, Sharif family has also decided that they
will have no political role in Sindh. The minister said from this so-called pact, one could gauge how dark their future was in politics.
Fawad said that when details of their accounts came to light, their love for each other has increased, as both Asif Zardari and Sharif family had similar modus operandi for money laundering.
He said as all the secrets of theft of both parties were similar, they were having huddles to hold consultations for protesting ill-gotten money but they would not be able to do so.
Fawad said that Imran Khan had been honored by Allah, as Pakistan was heard in China which has lauded improvement in Pakistan, and reforms have been appreciated.
He said that China had reaffirmed its firm support for Pakistan and the whole nation appreciated China’s position, except a few who were worried about their ill-gotten wealth.
To a question he said that overall talks were held on 21 sectoral clusters and their pitch book had been presented to the President of China and Pakistan prime minister and work on them would start rapidly.
He said that the impression of slow speed of China Pakistan Economic Corridor projects was not correct as now industries were to be built along the highways built under the CPEC and it was a time consuming process.