– orders to enhance domestic Gas exploration

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has ordered to expedite the issuance of licences for domestic exploration of gas besides removing hurdles to install new Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminals. PM Imran Khan issued the directives while chairing a high-level meeting on the gas situation. He ordered authorities concerned to remove hurdles in process of installation of new LNG terminals and virtual pipeline projects by investors.
During the meeting, a briefing was given to the participants regarding demand and supply from the domestic reserves, shortfall and import of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). The participants were apprised that the current constrained demand for gas in the country is 4700 Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day (MMCFD) during the winter season.
It was informed that the current domestic supply amounts to 3300 MMCFD, which is decreasing every year and the resulting shortfall has to be managed by importing LNG. For the short term, the existing capacity of domestic terminals is being optimized and the process of issuance of virtual pipeline licenses is expedited.
In addition, the installation of two new LNG terminals is underway with all bottlenecks being removed on a priority basis. Earlier on December 22, PM Imran Khan had directed the Ministry of Energy to ensure the provision of maximum gas supply to the export industry while chairing the federal cabinet meeting.