Ordinance to curb hoarding on the anvil

By Shakeel Ahmed

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf-led federal government is going to bring in an ordinance against hoarding of essential commodities as a draft of the proposed law has been sent to members of the cabinet for approval, newsmen reported.
Sources relayed the ordinance will be sent over to President Arif Alvi to sign it into law after approval of the cabinet members.
The ordinance will be effective within the remits of the federal capital territory, they added.
The proposed law will entail a three-year jail term for hoarders and payment of 50 per cent of the sized goods’ value as fine.
Earlier, on April 15, Prime Minister Imran Khan had said that his government is introducing ordinances to facilitate construction work in the country and against hoarding. The premier warned traders against hoarding and smuggling, saying the government will issue an ordinance to introduce laws to take strict action against smuggling and hoarding of goods essential food items. He said hoarding and smuggling are major challenges confronted the country.