Over 50,000 needy families receive aid

OSH: Osh Mayor Taalaibek Sarybashov familiarized himself with the activities on distribution of food aid to needy and poor families of the city.
Within the framework of the visit, the mayor visited a number of municipal administrations, where he was acquainted with the quality preparation of food packages.
Mayor Sarybashov instructed to carry out necessary explanatory work with the population on the inadmissibility of quarantine violations. By May 6, more than 50 thousand needy families in the city of Osh received food aid.
“The work on distribution of humanitarian aid to needy sections of the population continues. This is one of the priorities of the Mayor’s Office at the moment. The assistance to the needy is distributed according to the decision of a special commission, which consists of representatives of public and non-governmental organizations, social protection specialists, employees of the internal affairs bodies. The work on distribution of humanitarian aid will be strictly controlled.
At the same time, there is a need to strengthen awareness raising work among population on the inadmissibility of quarantine violations, rules and regulations. For the health of loved ones it is necessary to observe the norms of social distancing, personal hygiene and mask regime,” Sarybashov said. –Agencies