‘Over half of Coronavirus patients recovered’

From Our Correspondent

BEIJING: A Chinese foreign ministry’s spokesperson said on Monday that more than half of patients tested with novel coronavirus recovered and discharged from hospitals in China indicating that the domestic epidemic prevention and control had achieved results.
“According to statistics released by the National Health and Health Commission of China this morning on March 1, there were 2837 newly discharged cases cured in China. And a total of 44,462 cases of discharged patients were cured in China,” Zhao Lijian said during his regular briefing held here.
He informed that in the past week, the cure rates of confirmed cases in Wuhan, Hubei, and the country had continued to rise, and the proportion of cured patients discharged from the country had exceeded 50%, indicating that the medical treatment had achieved results.
The spokesperson said after the outbreak of the new corona pneumonia epidemic, China’s nation as a whole and united as one, took the most comprehensive, strictest and most thorough prevention and control measures. After hard work, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is positively expanding and economic and social development is accelerating.
“We are fully confident, capable, and confident to win this fight against epidemic prevention and control,” he added.
Zhao Lijian, however, said the current situation of epidemic prevention and control in China was still complex with great uncertainty and still facing tremendous pressure of rebound.
“We will unswervingly implement various prevention and control measures and continue to consolidate the domestic measure for epidemic prevention and control,” he added.
To yet another question, he said, China was paying close attention to the development of the global new corona pneumonia epidemic situation, and sympathizes with the difficulties currently facing some countries with intensified epidemic situation.
The epidemic is a common challenge facing all mankind and requires the concerted efforts of the international community to respond together.
He said, China would continue to uphold the concept of a community of shared future for mankind, actively carry out international and regional cooperation in the fight against epidemics, and participate in international public health governance.
“We will continue to work closely with the World Health Organization, maintain close communication with relevant countries, share experience in epidemic prevention, coordinate prevention and control measures,

and jointly maintain regional and world public health security,” he added.
On transferring of Uighur personnel from training centers to factories to engage in forced labour, he rejected the allegation and said, the relevant statement had no factual basis.
He said, the anti-terrorism and depolarization measures taken by the Xinjiang Autonomous Region in accordance with the law had achieved good results and received the sincere support of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.
At present, all the trainees who have participated in de-extremization training have graduated. With the help of the government, they have achieved stable employment and lived a happy life.