Overseas stories full of fiction

URUMQI: A number of Xinjiang-related cultural products made abroad, including novels, documentaries and animations, are imbued with ideological prejudice and full of false stories and distorted historical views, according to a report released on Thursday by the Xinjiang Development Research Center.
The report, titled Fiction And Fantasy-On The Hypocrisy of Overseas Anti-China “Cultural Products” Related to Xinjiang, said they were fabricated by anti-China forces with the sole purpose of tarnishing the image of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and disturbing the development of Xinjiang and China.
It said their content was false, the characters were “actors” who packaged themselves as victims, and the producers were all anti-China forces overseas.
The book Reeducation of Xinjiang Muslims, the TV episode Fear and Oppression in Xinjiang, and the documentary Exposing: How China Created the World’s Largest Prison all alleged that the vocational training centers in Xinjiang are “concentration camps” where Uygurs have been detained and subjected to unimaginable torture.
The report said the vocational training centers are schools and the teaching follows the concept of “providing education and economic opportunities to those vulnerable to extremist teachings and encouraging them to break away from violent extremist groups”, which is fully in line with the principles and spirit of the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy and is also an important measure for deradicalization.
The book Haze: Sunset in East Turkestan claims that the Chinese government eliminates religion in Xinjiang but in fact the autonomous region fully respects and protects citizens’ religious beliefs. Normal religious activities have not been impeded and the Xinjiang Islamic Affairs Steering Committee, a government body, organized the publication of many religious classics, including the central religious text of Islam, the Quran, in four local languages. The Islamic schools in the region all run smoothly and more than 1,000 religious members of ethnic groups serve as deputies in legislatures and members of political advisory bodies.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item