PA passes resolution for Indian Farmers

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: The Punjab Assembly (PA) Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution, against the atrocities committed by the Indian government on protesting Indian farmers, moved by PML-N member Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora. The MPA Arora presented the resolution against the Indian atrocities on farmers protesting against the three anti-farmer laws.
The text of the resolution: “Modi government wants to bury Indian farmers. Indian farmers are protesting with children, women and elders in severe cold. This Assembly condemns violence against Indian farmers.”
“India claims to be a democratic country but not even a single neighbour is safe from its evil,” he added. Indian farmers camped outside the Indian capital Delhi border for over a month and as per media reports, clashes reported between law enforcement and protesting farmers last week asking to repeal the pro-industry laws.